Quality of Life at Hera House
The Quality of Life (QoL) Framework was developed by Swalcliffe Park School, following extensive research, and aims to support a better QoL for students and their families. We have been a member of the QoL Network, a national group of schools who have adopted the QoL approach, since 2021. The QoL approach centres around four areas: Working with Students, Working with Families, Working with Resources, and Working with Partners. Each of these areas is addressed in different ways across the school.
Working with Students
Every student at Hera House is allocated a Key Worker, who is their main point of contact and advocate in the school. Key working is very much at the heart of the QoL approach and key workers should get to know their students and families through regular contact and supportive conversations. Every student has dedicated time with their key worker every fortnight, when they can talk through any worries or concerns they might have and also celebrate the good things that are happening, but they usually spend regular time with them in classes as well.
Working with Families
Our key workers should be making weekly contact with their key students’ family at least once per week. We know that some families are not used to this approach and it can feel odd or worrying that we are contacting you so often, but this helps us to build relationships between school and home, keeps lines of communication open and means that we can try to offer support quicker if it is needed. We also send out our Family Survey each term. The Family Survey can seem a bit personal but it is confidential and we are asking the things we do because we may be able to signpost you to outside support or help in other ways. Since we started the QoL surveys, we have been able to access additional funding for families, run training or information courses for groups of parents/carers and helped people to find mental health support. The Family Surveys have also helped to shape how we train our staff and how we connect with others.
Working with Resources
Looking at the Family and Student Surveys has helped us to purchase new equipment and physical resources for the school but ‘Resources’ also includes things like our policies, premises and staff. Our staff training and school policies are all geared towards a QoL approach.
Working with Partners
We are very proud of our partnerships with a wide range of support services, local and national network groups and other schools and settings. We are always looking for new connections that might help to improve QoL across the school community. From hosting network events to fundraising for local charities, we are keen to build good partnerships with other organisations and show our students what it is to be part of a strong community.
Information and Advice
Hera House prides itself on offering support to the wider family as well as the individual students. We recognise that the students are a part of their wider family community and we are much better able to work with them if their family is also well supported.
The Pantry
All families can access our school food and toiletries bank by speaking to one of our QoL Team. The Pantry is based at the school but in a private area. We have a wide range of food, toiletries and household goods. All support parcels are handled sensitively and can be handed over discreetly. We also accept donations of non-perishable goods.